ICT Technician at Sheldon School

  8 Days Remaining

8 Days Remaining
  Job Reference #
Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6HJ
  Contract Type
  Contract Term
£25,119.00 - £26,421.00
Grade F9-11
  Closing Date
Midday, 8th Jul 2024
  Start Date
As soon as possible
  Positions Available
   Positions Available        1
  Interview Date(s)
Week commencing 15th July 2024
   Interview Date(s)           Week commencing 15th July 2024

Cover Picture

About this Role

The Role

We are seeking to appoint a confident and enthusiastic individual to support and develop our ICT provision, delivering support to our end users.  The successful candidate will work with the Leader of ICT and Data Systems and ICT Support Team on a day-to-day basis. The post combines a need for excellent IT knowledge with user support skills. You will need to be prepared to support a wide range of users, be flexible and enjoy working with young people.

Our School

At Sheldon, we are unapologetic in our approach to ensuring that every student can thrive regardless of social background, academic ability or special educational need. We give students a better chance of success than if they attended any other school. We pride ourselves on having the highest expectations of all students and staff. We are passionate about working together with parents to ensure success for all our pupils. We are committed to providing a high-quality education that improves the life chances of all students.

Our Values

Be kind means that we are thoughtful and considered about how we treat ourselves and others and we always show gratitude.

Be brave means that we are confident learners who contribute in lessons. We don’t make excuses and we accept that we all make mistakes and learn from them.

Be the best you means we give 100% each and every day to be the best we can be. We believe that success comes through showing ambition, grit and stamina.

How to make an application

To apply, complete the My New Term Application Form using the Supporting Statement section of the form to detail your suitability for the role, your motivation for making an application and how your knowledge, experience and training meet the person specification. 

In line with KCSIE 2023 and safer recruitment practices, the school will conduct an online search for all shortlisted candidates. The online search is part of our safeguarding checks and will seek publicly available information on candidates’ suitability to work with children. Shortlisted candidates will be provided with further guidance and will be asked to clarify their online presence.

References will be obtained before interview at shortlisting stage and may be used in the interview process. If previous employment has included working with children, then at least one referee must be from this employment regardless of whether this is the current or most recent employment Any gaps in employment must be detailed and an explanation provided in the relevant section.

We look forward to receiving your application should you be interested. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer feedback on individual applications that are not shortlisted for interview.

Related Documents

Contact Details

  Sarah Hill

online applications
vacancies advertised
awards won
Background Image

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