● Support staff in understanding the needs of SEND pupils and how to meet
them effectively through observations of pupils, strategy planning and high
quality CPD
● Supporting staff with the development of individual plans to meet the
needs of pupils
● Contribute towards the development and implementation of SEND policy and
objectives to develop SEND within the School Development Plan
● Monitoring the quality of support and progress of pupils
● Liaising with staff, parents, external agencies and other schools to
co-ordinate support for SEND pupils, including those pupils on intervention
● To write applications for EHC assessments for identified pupils
● Liaise with SEND caseworkers and other outside agencies to secure
appropriate ongoing provision for pupils with SEND
● Co-ordinate and chair annual reviews for pupils with EHCPs
● Line manage staff (as appropriate) who have direct responsibility for
pupils with SEND. This may also include performance management.
● To develop and implement teaching and learning initiatives and ensure
quality first teaching across the school.
● To contribute to the induction, support and CPD of all newly appointed
teachers and TAs including those on the initial teacher training programme
● To support all staff to be their most effective
● Support the HoS with operational leadership of the school and deputise
when necessary
To act as the Deputy
Designated Safeguarding Lead for the school