Temporary Teaching Assistant at John Blandy Primary School


  Job Reference #
Laurel Drive, Southmoor, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX13 5DJ
  Contract Type
  Contract Term
£24,404.00 - £24,790.00 Annually (FTE)
Support staff NJC Grade 4. Actual Annual salary in the region of £16,590 - £16,853. *An additional Qualification Allowance may be payable dependent on existing qualifications*
  Closing Date
Midnight, 28th Feb 2025
  Start Date
As soon as possible
  Positions Available
   Positions Available        1
  Interview Date(s)
Due to the immediate start date, we reserve the right to interview suitable candidates upon receipt of their application.
   Interview Date(s)           Due to the immediate start date, we reserve the right to interview suitable candidates upon receipt of their application.

Cover Picture

About this Role

“Strong relationships underpin life at John Blandy… Staff provide a high level of care to each other, parents and the pupils.” (Ofsted November 2021)

John Blandy Primary is a growing school and successful school with happy, well-motivated and hard-working children and staff. We offer a supportive environment and value professional development of our people. We are proud to be part of the Cambrian Learning Trust, an nine school multi-academy trust, which was established on 1st April 2012.

Applicants should be able to work well in a team and be flexible, have a positive outlook and high expectations of all children.  A good standard of numeracy and literacy (GCSE grade A – C/ Grade 9-4) is required in this role.

Visits to the school are warmly welcomed so that you can experience our wonderful school first-hand. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.

For more information about our school, please visit our school website.  

Contact Details

  Suzanne Elliott
  01865 820422

John Blandy Primary School would like all candidates to answer specific questions for the personal statement section. For reference, here are a preview of the questions/headings:

  1. If you are applying for this as a part time position, please state the number of days you are requesting.

online applications
vacancies advertised
awards won
Background Image

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