Role Description
Department: PE/Sport
Responsible to: Director of Sport
Hours of work: Full time - 34 weeks (term time only) plus 3 weeks, if required, for pre-season or sports’ tours
Salary: £16,500 pa
Additional Benefits: Free accommodation and meals (during term time) and sports’ clothing
St Peter’s School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment by complying with the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedures at all times. The successful applicant will be required to undergo statutory pre-employment checks, including a Disclosure and Barring Service check.
Overall purpose of the post:
You will assist with lessons and coaching across a number of year groups and teams as well as providing support on match days and with team training.
will be attached to a Senior Boarding house in the school and there will be an
expectation that you will undertake frequent duties in that setting including
the supervision of the house during certain evenings and accompanying pupils on
trips and activities at weekends by prior arrangement with the Deputy Head
Key responsibilities:
· To coach and manage sports teams as required
· To officiate match days as appropriate
· To assist teachers within the classroom
· To work with small groups of pupils in specialised
topic areas
· To assist in running societies and co-curricular
activities as appropriate
· To assist in school visits
· To undertake cover duties and invigilation where
· To be an integral part of the day and boarding
community and work with day and boarding staff to deliver quality pastoral care
and activities for day and boarding pupils. This will include regular evening
and weekend duties
· To be on a call out rota to assist staff in the
medical centre dealing with pupils who require overnight care. It is expected that such call outs will only
occur in exceptional circumstances and payment for being on the rota is
included within your salary. If you are
called upon, you will receive an additional payment at the standard overnight
supervision rate
· To attend any relevant training sessions to ensure that you are fully equipped to perform your role effectively.
Health & Safety - You
have a legal duty to take reasonable care of your own health and safety and
that of others and you are expected to be familiar with, and adhere to, St
Peter’s School’s Health and Safety policy.
· School values – You have a duty to ensure your work,
communication and approach conforms to the school’s core values and mission.
You will need to be aware and comply with school rules, policies and procedures
at all times including, but not limited to, those relating to safeguarding, conduct,
equality and data protection.
Note: This job
description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of duties and
responsibilities associated with the post.
The post holder will be expected to comply with any reasonable request
to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job
This job
description may be amended at any time following discussion with the post
Beatrice Lablaine
01904 527489