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About Launch 2 Learning

Why work for Launch2Learning?

> Are you finding yourself doing more admin - & dealing with more politics - than actually teaching?
> Do you find you're unable to fully engage with the students, as there's always too much to do?
> Are you spending your evenings & weekends planning, or marking, or re-writing lesson plans, just to keep up?
> Do you want to just focus on why you wanted to teach in the first place; helping students learn, making a huge impact on their education, and their future?
> you want to regain control over your work/life balance?

Then Launch2Learning could be for you.
What are we?

We are an Alternative Provision provider, across Wiltshire, Somerset & Gloucestershire, for students that need a bit of extra help. But, what's unique about us, is that we keep the academic progression of our students at the forefront of all their time with us. And we are expanding rapidly.

 Students come to us needing a safe & calm space to be able focus on their education. They receive bespoke, 1-2-1 sessions with a dedicated teacher, where the sessions are crafted to best engage with how they learn and what their interests are. Success for us is seeing a student go back into mainstream education after a short period of time with us, more confident, happy, and able to just be themselves and enjoy their schooling.

 L2L was founded by Teachers. Our staff are predominantly ex-mainstream Teachers, who wanted to be able to have a genuine impact on the lives of the students they support, but also regain control of their work/life balance. Plus, just enjoy Teaching again.


What do our staff say about working here?

Our people are what makes us so beneficial to our students. But we also know that Teaching can be tough. Below are a selection of quotes from some of our Teaching staff about why they love working for Launch2Learning:

"I get the best of being a teacher while also being able to leave work and be me. I get to teach students, and help them to progress not just academically but as human beings. I get to make a difference while at the same time have more flexibility, ownership freedom and creativity in my work. I get to have a life that wouldn’t be sustainable in mainstream education." - James, English Teacher, Wiltshire

"L2L combines all of the best bits of teaching without any of the red tape and paperwork etc. It means that we can prioritise our efforts and time into the things that really matter and will have a direct impact on the lives of our students. If you are a teacher working in a state school and are finding the workload/recognition challenging, you will not look back if you embark on a career with L2L. I know I certainly haven’t!!" Dan, Maths Teacher, Wiltshire

"I love working at L2L because it has a lovely, supportive working culture. I feel valued and appreciated by my managers and it is clear to see that everyone in this organisation has the students’ interests at heart. At Launch2Learning, we have the freedom to serve our students in the way that works best for them. Each student is given a curriculum that is tailored to their individual needs, taking into account their goals and interests. It means that the students are given an education that is fun and interesting for them." Issy, Centre Lead, Wiltshire Careers at L2L — Launch2Learning - more testimonials here. --- Commercials: People initially assume they will earn less if they left a school and joined L2L. However, on an hours worked basis, our staff often earn more per hour for their time, whether salaried or contracting with us. Additionally, they find themselves with much more flexibility in the evenings - standard teaching hours are 0900 to 1500 - and as a result many run private tutoring to supplement their income. And most importantly, the work / life balance shift is huge. We find people go from doing 45-60 hour weeks in mainstream education, to 30-35 when teaching with us. Their early mornings and evenings are their own again, plus it's entirely flexible; our teams can choose between full-time and part-time, based on what they would like to do.

Fancy a chat? We know that changing roles in the Teaching sector is difficult, and moving careers can be daunting. If you have been interested by any of the above, but are nervous about applying, or just would like to have chat to see if it feels like 'you', then please get in touch with our Expansion lead Josh (07507 127231 / He's always happy to have a chat over the phone or a coffee, and feel free to ask any questions you may have - even if you are not looking to move straight way. Launch2Learning are expanding rapidly and we'll need teachers across the South West over the next 12 months and beyond. Let's get connected and have a conversation...who knows what the future holds?!

Launch 2 Learning Vacancies

Alternative Provision Teacher

Alternative Provision Teacher

Burnham, ,

Burnham, ,

An ideal opportunity for someone who wants to continue to teach, but is tired up of the pressures of working in mainstream education. Improve your work/life balance, work 1-2-1 with students, and make...

  Temporary/Permanent | Part-Time/Full-Time
  £31,500.00 - £36,750.00 Annually (Actual)
      Salary dependent on experience, part time salary on a pro-rata basis

Admin Lead, Bathampton Centre

Admin Lead, Bathampton Centre

Bathampton, Bathampton, Somerset

Bathampton, Bathampton, Somerset

A fantastically rewarding role, co-ordinating and ensuring the smooth running of our centres. Plus, an opportunity to develop fantastic and powerful relationships with our students, and their families...

  Permanent | Part-Time/Full-Time
  £18,843.50 Annually (Actual)
      Term-time only
Join Our Talent Pool

Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.


Policies & Documents

  1. Safer Recruitment Policy
  2. Safeguarding And Child Protection Policy 2024
  3. Behaviour Policy 2024

Launch 2 Learning Vacancies

Alternative Provision Teacher

Alternative Provision Teacher

Burnham, ,

Burnham, ,

An ideal opportunity for someone who wants to continue to teach, but is tired up of the pressures of working in mainstream education. Improve your work/life balance, work 1-2-1 with students, and make...

  Temporary/Permanent | Part-Time/Full-Time
  £31,500.00 - £36,750.00 Annually (Actual)
      Salary dependent on experience, part time salary on a pro-rata basis

Admin Lead, Bathampton Centre

Admin Lead, Bathampton Centre

Bathampton, Bathampton, Somerset

Bathampton, Bathampton, Somerset

A fantastically rewarding role, co-ordinating and ensuring the smooth running of our centres. Plus, an opportunity to develop fantastic and powerful relationships with our students, and their families...

  Permanent | Part-Time/Full-Time
  £18,843.50 Annually (Actual)
      Term-time only
Join Our Talent Pool

Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

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