Our Purpose: To be a force for educational change so that children, staff and our wider communities can learn and live better, thriving now and for the future.
Our Vision: We will nurture curiosity, ambition, resillience and courage; support a deep-rooted compassion for others and our world to enable choices and opportunities for a happy and successful life.
The Trust began its journey with three local Abingdon schools coming together, formalising the good working relationships over many years. We have strong governance and strategic leadership networks across the schools yet retain the unique atmosphere of each school, and have greatly strengthened cross-phase working. All schools are good schools with stable finances, and a Trust reserve to support capital investments in our schools.
Our Mission:
1. Deliver ambitious and high quality education for every child and young person through collaboration and opportunity across our schools and communities.
2. Commit to long-term relationships with other educators and wider society to bring depth and breadth to the education offer for pupils and students, and for enhanced staff development
3. Secure maximum value and impact from our resources working together and make a greater contribution for the good of all our young people, our economy and our communities.
Our Values:
QUALITY: to create an outstanding learning community, including strong leadership and governance
OPPORTUNITY: to provide the best opportunities for all children to reach their full potential
COLLABORATION: to support a shared commitment and dedication to learning
AMBITION: for continual improvement and strive for excellence in all we do
COMMUNITY: to be an active participant in our community, leading and supporting initiatives for the benefit of all members of society.