Wey Valley Academy is a 990 PAN- pupil school which currently has 863 students. Wey Valley Academy joined Ambitions Academy Trust in 2019 and educates Boys and Girls aged between 11 and 16.
We believe that education should empower young people, giving them the knowledge to make sense of the world around them and the tools to shape it. Our curriculum gives students access to the best that has been thought and written across academic disciplines. This is supported by a broad range of additional extra-curricular opportunities which we strongly encourage students to make the most of via our enrichment curriculum. The Academy has a proud history of sporting excellence and students can also take part in a thriving Duke of Edinburgh Award programme or involve themselves in our dramatic productions and musical performances. Whatever interests a student has, they will find something for them at Wey Valley.
Visitors to the Academy often comment on the calm and purposeful atmosphere that they find, and the respect that students show towards one another and their teachers. We are a vibrant learning community that places learning at the centre of everything it does. Our expectations are high and whether you are reading this as a prospective student, parent, carer or member of our staff team, we hope you want to join us as we rapidly improve the quality of education on offer.
At Wey Valley Academy we are dedicated to promoting the British Values which will ensure that our students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility. We prepare our students for a life in Modern Britain by developing an understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Our Vision and Ethos.
A broad and balanced curriculum which is accessible and will challenge students on an academic and personal level is vital, as is building a young person’s confidence, resilience and communication skills through a student-centred community.
This will empower them to be central in driving change and shaping the future of the education we deliver at Wey Valley Academy. It will also provide students with life skills and support them in being the very best they can be.