Waulud Primary School is a very friendly, welcoming and hardworking school, where the enthusiastic and positive attitude of all staff make it a great place to work.
It is a two-form
entry school with a culture of High Aspirations for all pupils and staff. Our
Ofsted inspection in March 2023 graded the school as “good”.
The Inspectors noted that
respond well to the high expectations that staff have of them. They are
enthusiastic readers. Most pupils are determined to stretch themselves and read
more challenging books. They enjoy the books and stories they read’
‘Leaders have set high expectations
of pupils’ behaviour. All pupils and teachers understand these. Teachers use
the school systems consistently and fairly. Pupils behave well in lessons and
around school. They are respectful and talk kindly to each other’
‘Staff feel well supported. Leaders
are approachable and listen to concerns. Staff value the consideration leaders,
including governors, give to how initiatives impact on their workload’
Following a recent visit, the IQM
(Inclusion Quality Mark) assessor noted:
‘You should feel proud of the safe haven you
have created at your school and the wonderful dedication and commitment from
all staff towards the common goals you are working towards.’
‘The obvious desire of the whole
team to offer the children and families a welcoming, supportive, inclusive
environment and aspirational opportunities is impressive.’
successful candidate will join our staff team at an exciting time in the
school’s development, as we continue with our ambition and determination to
improve outcomes for our pupils.
The school
has over 400 pupils and a good reputation for supporting them to develop
positive learning behaviours. With strong ties to the local community our
dedicated staff team make a difference to every child and have high aspirations
for all. Challenging them to aim high and take a real pride in who they are and
what they desire to achieve.
Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.
Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.
Are you looking for a different role at Waulud Primary School? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.