The Spinney Primary School is located within the village of Cherry Hinton on a residential road with good access to village facilities, the beautiful rural countryside and the historic city of Cambridge. It is easily accessible by public transport and the newly upgraded A14 is just a few minutes away giving access to the A14 corridor and beyond. The city centre and train station are an easy cycle ride or short bus journey away.
The Spinney is an average sized primary school with a PAN of 210 pupils from 4-11 with broadly equal numbers of boys and girls. The percentage of pupils eligible for free schools meals (3%) is significantly lower than schools nationally (14%). 48% of pupils are from Minority Ethnic Groups compared to 33% nationally, and 58% of pupils have a first language not believed to be English. Only a small number of pupils have statements for special educational needs/EHC plan, while 3% have SEN support compared with 12% nationally. Stability (83%) is similar to the national average (85%). The school’s deprivation indicator is 0.08 compared to the national indicator of 0.21.
Key Stage 1 Class Teacher
Key Stage 1 Class Teacher
The Spinney Primary School, Hayster Drive, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Is teaching a part of who you are? Join The Spinney to educate well-behaved pupils with an ambitious curriculum and support them to continue achieving above national standards.
Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.
Key Stage 1 Class Teacher
Key Stage 1 Class Teacher
The Spinney Primary School, Hayster Drive, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Is teaching a part of who you are? Join The Spinney to educate well-behaved pupils with an ambitious curriculum and support them to continue achieving above national standards.
Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.
Are you looking for a different role at The Spinney Primary School? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.