Stapleford Community Primary School
Our school offers excellent opportunities within a supportive partnership. At the heart of the village, our school community is vibrant and friendly and we are continually developing and embracing an exciting future. We are very much a community school, offering a Nursery for 3-4 year olds and wrap around care for approx 45 pupils each day. We have 23 languages spoken, and pupils come from all over the world, which helps to make our school a vibrant, diverse and valuable seat of learning. We strive for excellence in all we do, and are helped by supportive parents, governors and a forward thinking Trust, Anglian Learning.
Everyone working in our school takes their responsibilities very seriously – to have a positive influence over a child's education from Nursery to Year 6 is a real privilege. We encourage our pupils to develop as happy, confident and resilient learners who take growing responsibility for their learning and behaviour. Our goal is to create a strong ethos for learning. We are ambitious for our pupils and encourage them to be ambitious for themselves. We are a community in which all can succeed.
Our school is an inspiring and exciting place to learn where passionate teachers and support staff develop children’s curiosity and independence as learners. We are a very well-resourced school, with features that set us apart from other schools, such as a swimming pool and large grounds including a ‘moat’. This enriched learning environment inspires our pupils to learn and grow.
Our recent Ofsted Inspection (2022) highlighted that
“Pupils say that school is a happy and safe place to be. Pupils enjoy talking about what they have learned. They are proud of their work, and they are proud of what they know.”
We are a happy school where children thrive!