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Standlake Church of England Primary School

Church End, Standlake, Standlake, Oxfordshire, OX29 7SQ
Location: Church End, Standlake, Standlake, Oxfordshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 2 - 11 years

Standlake Church of England Primary School

About Standlake Church of England Primary School

Our distinctly Christian vision statement of ROOTS THAT STRENGTHEN, BRANCHES THAT REACH, FRUIT THAT FLOURISHES is inspired by The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23): The seeds (us) that grow best are those that fall on good soil (teaching), have strong roots encouraging growth (learning) and produce a good harvest (success). This vision creates the heartbeat of our school and the foundations of our Collective Worship.

Our values are inspired by a bible passage from the book of Colossians; Chapter 3, Versus 12-15 and use its message as guide to the things we say and do with the different people we meet: COMPASSION and TOLERANCE drive our behaviour to help those in need and accept others' differences so that we have an inclusive education and community. HONESTY ensures that we tell the truth in our interactions between each other, so that we celebrate what is good and challenge what needs to be better. This is done in an environment of LOVE that ensures respect, care and trust in our relationships. FORGIVENESS encourages us to give and accept an apology, so that we are able to work alongside each other in a place where it is OK to make mistakes in our work and relationships. Mistakes are how we learn and are an opportunity to reflect on how to do things differently next time. THANKFULNESS encourages us to be grateful for what we have and share the variety of gifts that have been given to us: academic, extra-curricular and social. We have also included the value of COURAGE because we want the children to be resilient in giving things a go, however hard they may first appear.

Current Vacancies

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Policies & Documents

  1. EPA Safer Recruitment Policy
  2. EPA Equalities Statement
  3. EPA Staff Safeguarding Code Of Conduct
  4. EPA Data Protection Policy

School Information

Location: Church End, Standlake, Standlake, Oxfordshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 2 - 11 years
Church End, Standlake, Standlake, Oxfordshire, OX29 7SQ

Current Vacancies

Join Our Talent Pool

Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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Are you looking for a different role at Standlake Church of England Primary School? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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