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Shillingstone Church of England Primary School

Augustan Avenue, Shillingstone, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 0TX
Location: Augustan Avenue, Shillingstone, Blandford Forum, Dorset
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 11 years

Shillingstone Church of England Primary School

About Shillingstone Church of England Primary School

Growing Together. Together we learn.

This is our school tagline. The word ‘together’ is very important to us as we believe that working together is vital in order for us to help all our children learn and reach their potential.

Over the coming years, we would really like to focus on:

  • Celebrating diversity – teaching children to celebrate everyone being different;
  • Making a change – helping our children to think about how we can make small changes in our lives that will have an impact on our local community, our country and the World, e.g. plastic and recycling;
  • Supporting families – trying to get all families involved in children’s learning.
    You will notice that on our Vision tree, there is an extract from the Bible, it says:

‘For the body is not one member it is many.’ (1 Corinthians 12:14)

In essence, this reminds us that the body of Christ, or the people that are the whole of humanity, are a team. The body is not supported by one person, but by all of us. We are one, we are strongest working together in unity.

Our Christian values are reflected within the school through displays and the beautiful mural that has been painted in our school hall.  During a Christian Values Day all the children had the opportunity to begin to explore what these values mean through a series of workshops.   We continue to ensure that our Christian values play an important role within the school.  Ways in which we do this are through learning in RE lessons, worship, visits to our local church, links within the curriculum and through our children’s spiritual, social, emotional and moral learning.

Current Vacancies

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Policies & Documents

  1. Safeguarding And Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

School Information

Location: Augustan Avenue, Shillingstone, Blandford Forum, Dorset
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 11 years
Augustan Avenue, Shillingstone, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 0TX

Current Vacancies

Join Our Talent Pool

Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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Are you looking for a different role at Shillingstone Church of England Primary School? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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