Cover Picture

Rodbourne Cheney Primary School

Broadway, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN25 3BN
Location: Broadway, Swindon, Wiltshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 2 - 11 years

Rodbourne Cheney Primary School

About Rodbourne Cheney Primary School


Welcome to Rodbourne Cheney

Dear parent or guardian,

On behalf of all the staff, children, parents, and governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to Rodbourne Cheney Primary School.

We are extremely proud of our school. Every decision within the school is made by firstly considering what is in the best interest of the children. In this way, children lie at the heart of everything we do.

We look forward to working with you and your child so that Rodbourne Cheney Primary School can continue to be the popular and very special place that it is today.

Warm regards,

Miss Davies

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School Information

Location: Broadway, Swindon, Wiltshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 2 - 11 years

Current Vacancies

Join Our Talent Pool

Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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Are you looking for a different role at Rodbourne Cheney Primary School? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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