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Marshwood CofE Primary Academy

Marshwood, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 5QA
Location: Marshwood, Bridport, Dorset
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 11 years

Marshwood CofE Primary Academy

About Marshwood CofE Primary Academy


Welcome to Marshwood Church of England Primary Academy. We are committed to motivating and nurturing all members of our school family to be happy, self-confident and supportive of one another. We have a fantastic dedicated staff, small mixed-age classes and have been described as 'one big happy family'.

Nuture Grow FlourishOur school vision is centred around the key words nurture, grow, flourish. We are committed to seeing everyone grow in understanding, appreciation and respect for themselves, people around them, and the world they live in.

Our mission is for everyone to 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength' and to 'Love your neighbour as yourself'. We live this out through our core Christian values of trust and forgiveness, kindness and joy, peace and hope, wisdom and honesty, courage and perseverance, respect and friendship.  These underpin everything we do as we strive to enable each person to flourish, aspiring to live out an active and fulfilling life within school, the local community and beyond.

Founded in 1842, Marshwood CE Primary is one of Dorset's longest established Primary schools. The Head, teachers and teaching assistants work together as a strong team to provide the children with an excellent education. We offer a high-quality, engaging curriculum enhanced by a range of stimulating and enriching experiences. Children at Marshwood love learning outside: we can see the sea from our playground and enjoy regular Forest School sessions in our nearby woodland classroom.

Please explore our website or follow us on Facebook/Instagram to find out more about us (you can also contact us to request any of this information on paper if you wish). If you would like to see if our school would be the best place for your child then we would be delighted to arrange a time to show you around. Please contact us to make an appointment.

Peter Beare

Head of School

Current Vacancies

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School Information

Location: Marshwood, Bridport, Dorset
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 4 - 11 years

Current Vacancies

Join Our Talent Pool

Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

View 20 vacancies available at other schools within The First Federation Trust

Are you looking for a different role at Marshwood CofE Primary Academy? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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