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Kings Meadow School

Manning Road, Moulton Leys, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 7AR
Location: Manning Road, Moulton Leys, Northampton, Northamptonshire
Phase: Academy special converter
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 5 - 11 years

Kings Meadow School

About Kings Meadow School

Kings Meadow School is a day, community, special school for primary aged pupils, who have severe social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

Pupils are primarily from Northampton and the south and west of Northamptonshire. All pupils have an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Our overall aim is to help all pupils who have previously found school a challenge become independent, lifelong learners who are able to regulate and manage their own feelings and behaviour. We have an ethos of “can do” rather than the children feeling they “can't do.”

Kings Meadow School is organised into five class groups, currently, each comprising seven pupils. Pupils’ ages range from Y1-Y6. A variety of factors are taken into consideration when forming class groups, such as age, level of performance, social and emotional maturity.

We believe that familiar and established routines and procedures can support learning. They provide a 'road map' that helps pupils know what to expect. They can support social interactions and establish a sense of security for children (e.g. established procedures around arriving in the classroom, routines for registration, book changing, and circle time). Structure and routines throughout the day helps to provide consistency and a feeling of security for the pupils.

The layout of the classroom, organisation of the outdoor learning environment and provision of resources support inclusive teaching approaches.

Lunchtimes are considered an important part of the pupils’ social education. Some members of staff eat with pupils in small family groups. Hot meals are available. After eating, the adults will then provide the children with a choice of different indoor and outdoor activities. These can include traditional playground games, climbing in the adventure area, football on the field, riding bikes, playing board games or drawing.

School Information

Location: Manning Road, Moulton Leys, Northampton, Northamptonshire
Phase: Academy special converter
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 5 - 11 years

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