Cover Picture

Location: Bournemouth,
Phase: Secondary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years

Iford Academy

About Iford Academy

Iford Academy is a 109 PAN- pupil school which currently has 95 students. Iford Academy joined Ambitions Academy Trust in 2012 and educates Boys and Girls aged between 11 and 16 whom have an Education Health and Care Plan. We also support pupils who are at risk of exclusion or who have been excluded from mainstream school. 

The school has open grounds with sports fields to the front and rear of the school. As well as our general teaching classrooms, the school also has a modern Science, I.T, Cookery, Art, and Health and Fitness rooms. 

All class are small (no more than 8 pupils) with a Teacher and a Teaching Assistant. To build and benefit from strong relationships the teacher and TA stay with the class for most of the day.  As pupils move into KS4, moving to subject specialist teachers is increased preparing them for change as they reach post 16. 

Pupils can access support from other staff teams that support classes, including the safeguarding team, Intervention team (including ELSA) and the pastoral team (which includes the e-safety, anti-bullying champion and prevent lead, pupil voice lead and first aid lead.) The school also has close links with external agencies who work closely with our pupils. 

Our vision:

Prepare pupils for a safe, happy and productive adult life. 

Our Ethos:

The school prides itself on building strong and trusting relationships, through an attachment aware approach. As a small school with a high ratio of support, we know all of our pupils very well and are there for able to meet their individual needs and work together to overcome challenges and reach goals. 

Pupils feel that the school is a safe environment that supports them in accessing the curriculum that promotes their academic and personal, social and emotional development. 

Policies & Documents

  1. Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
  2. Safer Recruitment Policy
  3. Privacy Notice - Job Applicant
  4. Equal Opportunities Statement
  5. AAT Staff Benefits Brochure

School Information

Location: Bournemouth,
Phase: Secondary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years

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