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Hilltop Primary Academy

Wyaston Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1NB
Location: Wyaston Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 3 - 11 years

Hilltop Primary Academy

About Hilltop Primary Academy

Hilltop Primary Academy Values

We will be supporting all Hilltop pupils to realise the best possible version of themselves by helping them to REACH FAR — as far as they can possibly reach!

R espect
A cceptance
C ommunity
H igh Aspirations

F riendship
A mbition
R esponsibility

Our mission statement

We will enable every pupil to become happy, secure, enthusiastic life-long learners who can experience and celebrate personal success. We will inspire our pupils with a passion to learn, to achieve and to succeed.

Purpose and vision

For all Hilltop children to be kind, courageous and confident life-long learners, helping them to “REACH FAR”, towards becoming the best possible version of themselves in our increasingly diverse world.

We aim to:

  • enable every pupil to become happy, secure, enthusiastic life-long learners who can experience and celebrate personal success
  • ensure all pupils aspire to their highest possible standard of English and maths, enabling them to access a rich and broad curriculum and prepare them fully for their next stage in education
  • give support, challenge and guidance towards all pupils achieving excellence, through a broad, balanced and creative curriculum that places children at the centre of everything we do
  • develop a school ethos and environment where individual needs are respected and diversity celebrated
  • ensure all pupils are supported towards achieving a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle
  • build a sense of confidence, self-worth, personal responsibility, friendship and respect for one another
  • support all children in developing a growth mindset and the learning behaviours that will ensure they achieve learning even through adversity
  • encourage a caring and supportive partnership between school, children, their families and the wider community.

Policies & Documents

  1. DLT Recruitment Privacy Notice

School Information

Location: Wyaston Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 3 - 11 years

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