Harlington Lower School is a small village school for boys and girls aged between four and nine years.
The school aims to provide a warm, safe and happy environment to teach and nurture children, whilst offering them a broad and balanced curriculum. Each child is given every opportunity to realise his or her full potential. The school is a bright and quiet place where learning is an enjoyable experience.
The children are privileged to have a large school site within a peaceful village setting. The school site has two hard standing playgrounds adjacent to the school building and a large grass playing field, each with a variety of natural and purpose built features. The wider village setting provides a number of stimuli and resources to support many curriculum areas. The parents and many from the local community support the school on a regular basis and this has resulted in an ongoing relationship based on mutual respect. Education is a partnership, and the school together with the parents, encourage the process and ensure the progress of the children’s learning.
We strive to make each child’s school life happy and fulfilling, whilst developing an enthusiasm and a love of learning. Our aim is to ensure we offer the best for your child. Harlington Lower and Sundon Lower Schools share the same Headteacher and the same Local Governing Body, both are determined to sustain and enhance the excellent provision we provide on the two school sites.