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Freemans Endowed Church of England Junior Academy

Westfield Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 3HD
Location: Westfield Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 7 - 11 years

Freemans Endowed Church of England Junior Academy

About Freemans Endowed Church of England Junior Academy

Freeman’s Endowed Church of England Junior Academy is a warm, welcoming, inclusive two form entry junior school. The school is a friendly, nurturing and happy place and our 240 pupils are excited to come and learn each day.

 We are building what we value and everything we do is done with love. Children are taught the values of love, kindness, truthfulness, acceptance, forgiveness and perseverance and are guided to live these values every day. Ofsted (July 2023) reported at Freeman's that ‘Pupils’ behaviour across the school is calm and sensible’ and that ‘Pupils are motivated and behave well in class. Their positive attitudes and respect for each other mean that everyone can learn without distraction’. Our supportive leadership team are highly considerate of staff wellbeing and workload and strive to promote a positive working environment and we are proud that our school is an amazing place to learn and teach!

Children are known, loved and understood and all adults care and want the very best for every child in our school, having a shared understanding that every child can achieve.  The school has a strong Christian ethos and links with the parish church of St Barnabas. We have a strong working relationship with the PDET and the schools within it, especially St Barnabas which is our feeder school and just down the road. 

Our school has an ambitious, well-established curriculum and our staff are renowned for a strong subject expertise; this, along with our commitment to teach tolerance, respect and civic responsibility has put Freeman's on the way to being an Outstanding School. 

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Policies & Documents

  1. Meet The HR Team
  2. Important Information For Candidates

School Information

Location: Westfield Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 7 - 11 years
Westfield Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 3HD

Current Vacancies

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If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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Are you looking for a different role at Freemans Endowed Church of England Junior Academy? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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