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Freeland Church of England Primary School

Parklands, Freeland, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 8HX
Location: Parklands, Freeland, Witney, Oxfordshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 2 - 11 years

Freeland Church of England Primary School

About Freeland Church of England Primary School

As a church school, our vision, rooted in the parable of the mustard seed, drives everything we do. We are a community where every member, from the tiniest seed to the fullest tree, is nurtured and cared for. Everyone can flourish and be ready to fly the nest and soar high. We come together to grow, learn, love and be loved.


“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.  Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”

As a small school we get to know our children and families very well and our pastoral systems promote the development of excellent relationships between pupils and the whole staff team. The children have a strong sense of belonging to a school family and by the time children leave us at the end of Year 6, they are responsible, independent young people, and we are very proud of them.

Our school is very much part of our local community, and we welcome the community into school in roles such as reading volunteers. We also visit our local care home where the children sing for the residents, they spend time chatting over a drink and a snack and enjoy craft activities together. Currently, the children are raising money through cake sales to fund Christmas lunch for local residents in the village hall, who would otherwise spend Christmas alone.

We endeavour to work in partnership with parents, as we know this allows children to flourish. We have many events throughout the year to support parents in helping their child at home. 

Our curriculum aims to give our children rich learning opportunities and valuable experiences, to encourage them to be life long, inquisitive learners.  We believe it is integral to children’s development to understand their place within the school community and relate this to a much wider global community, thus providing the children with experiences and knowledge of different world religions and faiths so that they can become tolerant, compassionate citizens. We aspire for our children to leave their primary education having the integrity, values and inspiration to enter the next step of their journey with confidence and embrace and influence the world that they live in.

Freeland CE Primary School is part of the Eynsham Partnership Academy, an academy made up of a large 11-19 outstanding secondary school, an all-through primary/secondary school, and six primary schools which host five nurseries. The EPA family of schools is dedicated to high academic achievement and developing well-rounded children. Our schools enable children to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

Ofsted have graded us as a 'GOOD' school as of May 2022 and our latest Statutory Inspection of Methodist and Anglican Schools (SIAMS) we were also graded 'GOOD' (Oct 2016). 

Current Vacancies

1:1 SEND Teaching Assistant

1:1 SEND Teaching Assistant

Freeland Church of England Primary School, Witney, Oxfordshire

Freeland Church of England Primary School, Witney, Oxfordshire

Freeland CE Primary School 1:1 SEND Teaching Assistant required 30 hours a week/ Temporary contract (one year) (8.45-3.15 Monday to Friday with half an hour lunch break) Grade 4 £24,404.00 Annua...

  Temporary | Part-Time
  £24,404.00 - £24,404.00 Annually (FTE)
      Grade 4.4
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Policies & Documents

  1. EPA Safer Recruitment Policy
  2. EPA Equalities Statement
  3. EPA Staff Safeguarding Code Of Conduct
  4. EPA Data Protection Policy

School Information

Location: Parklands, Freeland, Witney, Oxfordshire
Phase: Primary
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 2 - 11 years
Parklands, Freeland, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 8HX

Current Vacancies

1:1 SEND Teaching Assistant

1:1 SEND Teaching Assistant

Freeland Church of England Primary School, Witney, Oxfordshire

Freeland Church of England Primary School, Witney, Oxfordshire

Freeland CE Primary School 1:1 SEND Teaching Assistant required 30 hours a week/ Temporary contract (one year) (8.45-3.15 Monday to Friday with half an hour lunch break) Grade 4 £24,404.00 Annua...

  Temporary | Part-Time
  £24,404.00 - £24,404.00 Annually (FTE)
      Grade 4.4
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Are you looking for a different role at Freeland Church of England Primary School? Let us know you are interested in working with us by joining our Talent Pool.

If you are available for opportunities within our wider family of schools, why not join our Trust Talent Pool?

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