Duties and responsibilities:
The post-holder may be expected to work with individual children having special or particular needs, and groups of children, as directed. The following does not represent an exhaustive list but gives an indication of the role.
Planning and organisation:
· - To discuss and contribute to the teacher’s programme/plan for the lesson/day/week/term.
· - To help adapt differentiated materials to enable children to access the curriculum.
· - To assist with the general management and organisation of children and resources/equipment which relate to the support of children.
· - To assist with the planning, organising and supervising of educational visits and outings.
Classroom preparation:
· - Under the direction of the class teacher, to prepare classroom and associated areas for use including preparing materials, and setting out equipment, apparatus etc.
· - To clean and put away materials, equipment, and apparatus after use. Tidy classroom and associated areas.
· - To make up and maintain work/topic cards/sheets/books and other teaching aids. Prepare work and notices for display purposes. Assist with/arrange displays and interest tables.
Working with children:
· - To work with and support individuals or groups of children on specific activities such as reading, writing, practical, creative, physical, recreational activities and environmental studies.
· - To develop an understanding of the specific needs of pupils to be supported.
· - To have an awareness of vulnerable groups of children including those pupils eligible for pupil premium funding.
· - To aid pupils’ to learn as effectively as possible in both group situations and individually.
· - To aid children in developing independent leaning skills.
· - To promote and model creative, imaginative and constructive play with the children.
· - To guide and assist the development of children’s social behaviour, attitudes, self-esteem and skills.
· - To assist the class teacher and SENDCo / Inclusion Co-ordinator to develop suitable programmes of support and then carry out the support, within the classroom or in a withdrawal situation.
· - To provide feedback about pupils’ difficulties and progress to the class teacher and SENDCo / Inclusion Co-ordinator.
· - To participate in the evaluation of support programmes with the class teacher and SENDCo / Inclusion Co-ordinator.
· To assist with the supervision of children:
o - Within classroom settings, during school assembly, at play/meal times, on outings and educational visits & not participating in an activity
· - To help children constructively to participate in activities by adapting and/or interpreting lessons and instructions accordingly.
Care and welfare:
· - To administer support care/first aid, report injuries to appropriate authorities within the school and enter details in the accident book. To issue prescribed medication (following prior agreement with parents and in accordance with the school’s policy).
· - To care appropriately for children taken ill whilst at school and to inform/contact parents, once the Headteacher has been notified.
· - To ensure Health and Safety regulations are complied with at all times.
Liaison and communication:
· - To liaise with other members of staff and multi-professional services.
· - To contribute to EHCP / other SEND meetings as appropriate.
· - To foster links between home and school as appropriate.
Professional development:
· - To attend relevant courses, INSET and training days to develop experience and broaden awareness, expertise and skills.
· - To participate with the school’s appraisal process.
Commitment to the school:
· - To play a full part in the life of the school, attending a selection of charity and social events, sports days and PTA events to raise money for better school resources.
· - To ensure that confidentiality is maintained at all times, in line with the school’s Confidentiality Statement.
· - To promote a positive image of the school among parents and in the wider community.
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Ed Tang