Office Administrator/ Finance Assistant (Maternity Cover) at Pinvin CofE Academy


  Job Reference #
Main Street, Pinvin, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 2ER
  Contract Type
Maternity Cover
  Contract Term
This is a Part Time post for 30 Hours per week - SC4 P7
  Closing Date
Midday, 12th Mar 2025
  Start Date
  Positions Available
   Positions Available        1
  Interview Date(s)
   Interview Date(s)           TBC

Cover Picture

About this Role


Provide full administrative support to the school including reception, receiving visitors, filing, photocopying, telephone and e-mail enquiries, liaising with parents, maintaining stationery supplies and general office duties.

Provide a full secretarial service for the Headteacher and staff, including confidential word processing, maintaining schedules and diaries.

Type letters to go out to parents/carers e.g., School trips, Afterschool Clubs etc.

Act as MIS Secretary, raising and maintaining computer-based pupil records, compilation of internal and external reports and returns. 

Produce returns as required to external agencies i.e., termly return, School Census, DfE School Workforce census etc.  Send and receive pupil information electronically, using CTFs and other means, amalgamating into the MIS data base.

Set up end/start of year procedures.

Use the school MIS system to produce complex documents and information i.e., class lists, medical conditions, emergency contact lists for trips and visits.

Keep computerised staff records.

Maintaining accurate databases.

Liaise with Inclusion Manager to keep all MIS SENCO records up-to-date.

Keep up to date with additional MIS modules to ensure school makes best use of the software, e.g., Parent App, Teacher App.  Maintain accident records for children and adults, assist with pupil first aid and generally provide welfare duties, looking after sick pupils, liaising with parents and staff, when required.

To liaise with the school Educational Welfare Officer, record and maintain attendance data and produce reports from school attendance system as required.

To maintain school registers and liaise with parents re: attendance issues.

To communicate with Pupil Admissions, when necessary, i.e., pupils joining or leaving the school.

To raise and maintain records, reports and returns such as admissions/leavers and teacher assessment data.

To oversee data transfers for pupils moving to or from different schools.

To liaise with parents / carers and deal with requests as appropriate.

Prepare and distribute the academy newsletter and other letters, as required.

Assist with arrangements for visits by school nurse, photographer etc.

Sort and distribute mail; prepare outgoing mail.

To manage the paperwork for DBS checks and provide support to ensure the Single Central Record is up to date at all times.

To manage signing-in procedures for visitors to the school.

To liaise with the Hot School Dinners Provider.

Use reprographic equipment, utilising the various functions i.e., reduction/enlargement. Day to day maintenance of said equipment; monitor usage and advise.

Be proactive in finding solutions to ensure most efficient use of reprographic resources.

Troubleshooting and calling out reprographics engineer when necessary.

Communicating messages by suitable media.

Liaise with senior staff.

Greet visitors, requesting visitors sign in, issue badges, guiding them, preparing refreshments, ensuring that image and ethos of the school is accurately reflected, as required.

To assist in arrangements for meetings, as required.

Making telephone calls, as required.

Maintaining Inventory visitor entry system with DBS covered visitors.

Take any post and sign for any deliveries, hand out post to relevant staff / Post any outgoing mail/record post going out.

Organise school trips i.e., booking transport, booking venues negotiating to get best value, as required.

Maintain confidential staff records, including all areas within Arbor personnel data and staff files.

To engage in professional development opportunities.

Update Media consent forms.

To assist in maintaining an accurate and up-to-date inventory of all the organisation’s resources.

To organise the booking of coaches for all school trips, including swimming.

To assist in arrangements for meetings: organising rooms/furniture as required.


To provide an efficient administrative and clerical support service, as required.

Manage the uniform stock, and place orders when necessary.

Assist in maintaining an accurate and up-to-date inventory of all the organisation’s resources.

Collect and record monies for school trips, uniform sales etc.  Organise and book school trips/visits etc and book transport.

Organise afterschool clubs such as Yoga, Tennis etc by booking and arranging dates, emailing relevant people/organisations.

Booking of swimming lessons.

Update Media consent forms.

Book training courses for staff (Worcestershire Children’s First and other organisations).

Update and help to maintain the school website, if required.

Place orders for goods and services as directed by relevant budget holders following procedures as laid down in the DoWMAT Finance Policy.

Process all staff expenses claims to the central finance team and ensure authorisation prior to expenditure.

Reconcile and administer monthly commercial card statements on Trust finance system.

Bank all school cash income.

To ensure all relevant invoices are processed, then authorised electronically by the Headteacher to allow payment to take place.

To administer school lettings, raise invoices and manage any associated income.

To manage the financial aspects of any extended services provision including raising invoices, reconciling income to parent accounts and chasing outstanding debts.

To manage the financial aspects of the catering company for hot school dinners.

To manage the collection of monies from fundraising events.

Use knowledge and judgement about suppliers, pricing structures, delivery methods etc to obtain quotations, advising other staff when required.

Receive and check goods against orders, advising of shortfalls, liaising with suppliers regarding returns, damaged goods etc. Following up queries.

Undertake specific procurement/research exercises to ensure best value to enable informed decisions.

To manage school licences and insurance.

Managing administration of music tuition. Organise billing and keep financial records using ParentPay to collect fees for music lessons.

Liaise with Music Co-ordinator, private teachers and Severn Arts to ensure the smooth running of peripatetic music lessons.

To contact contractors for minor building repairs, when necessary.

To liaise fully with the DoWMAT Central Team with regard to finances, contracts, concerns and building issues.


To be fully aware of and understand the duties and responsibilities arising from the Children’s Act 2004 and Working Together in relation to child protection and safeguarding children and young people. 

To follow the Child Protection/ Safeguarding procedures adopted by the academy and DoWMAT.

Keep appropriate records of concerns, as required.


To contribute to the positive team atmosphere and public image of the school.

To act professionally and with integrity at all times.

To assist with the general care and welfare of all pupils striving to maintain a happy safe environment at all times.

To adhere to and maintain school routines and codes of conduct, including confidentiality.

To support the aims and ethos of the school at all times.

To maintain personal and professional development to meet the changing demands of the job, participating in appropriate training activities.

To undertake other such duties and training as may be reasonably required and which are consistent with the general level of responsibility of this job.

To undertake Health and Safety duties commensurate with the post and / or as detailed in the School Health and Safety Policy.


The job description allocates duties and responsibilities. It does not direct the particular amount of time to be spent in carrying them out and no part of it may be so construed. In allocating time to the performance of duties and responsibilities, the post holder will have regard to the needs and priorities of the academy.

The job description is not a comprehensive definition of the post, and you may be required to undertake such other tasks appropriate to the level of appointment as the Headteacher may reasonably require. It may be reviewed annually or earlier if necessary and may be subject to modification or amendment at any time after consultation. You may discuss your job description with the Headteacher at any arranged time.

DoWMAT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and, as such, requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

The duties described in this job description must be carried out in a manner which promotes equality of opportunity, dignity and due respect for all employees and service users and is consistent with the DoWMAT Equality Policy and Code of Conduct. All employees are expected to be committed to these.

DoWMAT academies are a non-smoking environment. 

Contact Details

  Emma Rose

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