Local Governor at Springfield School

  40 Days Remaining

40 Days Remaining
  Job Reference #
Central Road, Drayton, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1QY
  Contract Type
  Contract Term
  Closing Date
Midnight, 31st Jan 2025
  Positions Available
   Positions Available        1

Cover Picture

About this Role

Springfield is a popular and high performing 11-16 school, in which ‘leaders are determined to provide a high-quality education for all pupils, regardless of their ability or circumstances’.  Ofsted judged the school to be ‘good’ in October 2019.

The School is looking for suitable candidates who have a broad mix of skills, experience and knowledge who would like to serve on the local governing body.  Prospective candidates will need to support the trust’s ethos and demonstrate a commitment to inclusive and high-quality education.

We would particularly welcome interest from anyone with legal, financial, IT and/or building expertise to complement our local governing body’s existing expertise; however, applications from candidates with other professional or technical expertise are also welcomed.  We are also currently seeking applications from parents of children at the school to assume the role of Parent Governor.  Induction and on-going training are provided.

To arrange an informal discussion regarding the post, please contact the Clerk: clerk@springfield.uk.net

Springfield School and The De Curci Trust are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.  DBS Disclosure at Enhanced level, and any other background checks, including overseas checks, will be required prior to any offer of employment.


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