LEARNERs' Trust are looking for an exceptional leader with a passion for Early Years and Key Stage One, to make a difference to the lives of children at Somercotes Infant & Nursery School.
Somercotes Infants is a calm yet vibrant school in Somercotes, Alfreton which lives and breathes their ethos of, Be Kind, Be Ready, Work Hard. Children behave well, love coming to school and thoroughly enjoy learning.
The Trust is looking to appoint a nurturing and committed leader to maintain and further develop the provision and practice at Somercotes Infants School. After receiving a ‘good’ judgement from OFSTED, with outstanding provision in EYFS, there is an opportunity for an existing or aspiring leader to work with a stable staff team on maintaining the high expectations across all aspects of school life and further enhancing the provision for all children.
Somercotes Infants is a split site school with 115 pupils currently on roll with most transferring to Somerlea Park Juniors at the end of Year 2. Staff are committed to ensuring pupils have the best possible start to their education through high quality learning experiences with a relentless focus on reading.
The school is part of the Learners’ Trust, which is a medium-sized MAT comprising of seventeen primary schools, one special school, over three-thousand five-hundred children and spanning the three Local Authority regions of Rotherham, Derbyshire and Derby City. The successful candidate will benefit from one-to-one support by a dedicated Trust Partner. Additionally, they will have access to the wider networks and support structures that the Trust facilitates within schools, across schools and through the strong links it has with external partners, most notably through the Learners First School’s Partnership. Learners’ Trust is best described by the culture in which it seeks to operate:
We will use collaboration to:
• Deliver excellent teaching through effective professional learning communities;
• Enrich lives through inspiring curriculum experiences;
• Ensure early intervention through equity for all learners and intervening at the earliest possible opportunity.
General principles that underpin our mission are:
• safeguarding is a vital and integral part of the Trust’s everyday work. It is of paramount importance in everything that is done and will remain high-profile at all times;
• all representatives of the Trust will adopt a nuanced and targeted approach to tackling discrimination, inequality and prejudice wherever it occurs in order to form positive, productive and tolerant connections between people and eradicate hate and ignorance;
• every child has the right to the highest quality academic, social, emotional, spiritual and physical education;
• high quality intervention will be provided where appropriate to ensure that the learning, welfare and well-being needs of all pupils are met at the earliest opportunity;
• the Trust will aim to identify and foster the passions that motivates each child. Fundamentally this means working together so that children enjoy learning and want to go to school.
Through our behaviours we will be:
Connected (developing positive, well maintained and productive relationships)
Helpful (embracing servant leadership and using initiative to solve problems)
Organised (employing efficient strategies and trusting colleagues to deliver)
Informed (sharing information openly, broadly and deliberately)
Candid (disagreeing openly and compassionately)
Effective (retaining only our best elements and seeking continuous improvement)
Simple (avoiding complexity and increasing clarity)
Marginal Gains – The process of continual improvement through constant incremental gains.
Please complete an application form with a supporting letter detailing what has attracted you to the role and why you believe you are the perfect candidate.
Visits to the school to meet the current Headteacher are warmly encouraged. Please contact SISInfo@learnerstrust.org to arrange a mutually convenient time.
Lisa Whiteley
07484700604 Lisa Whiteley