The SENCO, under
the direction of the headteacher, will:
Determine the strategic development of special
educational needs (SEN) policy and provision in the school
Be responsible for day-to-day operation of the
SEN policy and co-ordination of specific provision to support individual pupils
with SEN or a disability
Provide professional guidance to colleagues,
working closely with staff, parents and other agencies
Duties and responsibilities
Strategic development of SEN policy and
- Have a strategic overview of provision for pupils with SEN or a
disability across the school, monitoring and reviewing the quality of provision
- Contribute to school self-evaluation, particularly with respect to
provision for pupils with SEN or a disability
- Make sure the SEN policy is put into practice and its objectives are
reflected in the school improvement plan (SIP)
- Maintain up-to-date knowledge of national and local initiatives that
may affect the school’s policy and practice
- Evaluate whether funding is being used effectively, and suggest
changes to make use of funding more effective
Operation of the SEN policy and
co-ordination of provision
- Maintain an accurate SEND register and provision map
- Provide guidance to colleagues on teaching pupils with SEN or a
disability, and advise on the graduated approach to SEN support
- Advise on the use of the school’s budget and other resources to meet
pupils’ needs effectively, including staff deployment
- Be aware of the provision in the local offer
- Work with early years providers, other schools, educational
psychologists, health and social care professionals and other external agencies
- Be a key point of contact for external agencies, especially the
local authority (LA)
- Analyse assessment data for pupils with SEN or a disability
- Implement and lead intervention groups for pupils with SEN, and
evaluate their effectiveness