If you are interested in flexible working and looking for a part time or an additional role please see below for details.
Any questions to: HWatkins@Windsorgirls.net
Job Purpose
To carry out the supervision of students and reading and scribing for individual students when required, taking both external and internal examinations under the direction of the Examinations Officer.
Job Accountability
You will be required to:
Ensure security and safety of examination papers and materials outside of the examinations office.
Check examination room to make sure posters/whiteboard/clock are displayed.
Maintain quiet and discipline in the examination room and immediate vicinity and adherence to the JCQ rules.
Complete a check of students’ materials for unauthorised items (e.g. books, diaries, calculators (if non calculator exam) dictionaries, scrap paper).
Summon assistance if required from Examinations Officer by mobile phone.
Distribute and collect examination papers and materials in the examination room.
Complete attendance plans/seating plans.
Check students’ examination papers to ensure that names and relevant numbers are completed as necessary.
Return completed examination papers and candidate cards in attendance register order to Examinations Office.
Return all unused examination papers and stationery box to Examinations Office or secure holding.
Escort students in emergency evacuation to allocated areas.
Supervise scribes/readers to ensure that unauthorised communication does not take place with student during examination.
Handle malpractice incidents in the examinations room. Seek guidance from Examinations Officer where necessary.
Report malpractice incidents to Examinations Officer and write subsequent reports where necessary for the Examinations Officer.
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Tracy Burfoot
01753 795155