Thank you for your interest in working at Whitefield School.
At Whitefield School, pupils – all of whom have
different needs and abilities – are given the support and encouragement they
need to access the curriculum, make progress and flourish. As any member
of the staff team can tell you, watching pupils develop, learn new skills and
grow in confidence is hugely gratifying and is a reward rarely experienced in
other professions. Every day our staff leave work knowing they have made a
difference to the lives of their pupils and their families.
Whitefield School has been on a fantastic journey in recent
years and has made significant strides forward. This is therefore a very
exciting time to be joining our community and every member of staff has the
opportunity to play a key role in giving every pupil an exceptional learning
As a part of the Learning in Harmony Trust, Whitefield
School has access to high-quality continuous professional development
opportunities. Likewise, there are a number of pathways for colleagues to
develop their careers and we will always do what we can to help them progress
their careers within our Trust.
We aim to recruit people who demonstrate that they
share our values, are highly motivated to pursue professional excellence and
are committed to providing the highest standards for pupils with special
educational needs and disabilities. We welcome advocates for those with
SEND. We know first-hand just what, given the right support, children and
young people with SEND can achieve and we relish working with others who also
recognise the valuable contribution they can make to society.
We hope you are excited about this opportunity to join
Whitefield School and Learning in Harmony Trust.
Core Purpose:
To ensure, in partnership with
the Senior Leadership Team, that pupils continue to have every
possible opportunity to enjoy school and to make outstanding progress by:
- teaching an agreed timetable; acting as an excellent
role model for colleagues;
- providing the guidance training and coaching which
will enable staff to maintain consistently
outstanding teaching and learning;
- monitoring and evaluating the quality of curriculum
planning, teaching and learning;
- developing, monitoring and evaluating systems to track
pupils' progress through accurate
assessment, recording and reporting;
- following up the outcomes of progress tracking so that appropriate strategies are put
in place to support any pupil whose progress has slowed;
- making a significant contribution to organising and
delivering opportunities for staff development;
- co-ordinating opportunities for shared working and
sharing successful practice across the
- developing the environment within the school to
support teaching and learning;
- contributing to the continuing evaluation and
development of practice across the Whitefield School;
- fulfilling the role of Deputy Designated Safeguarding
Lead as part
of the wider Safeguarding responsibilities.
- To support teachers to work within the school's
bespoke curriculum to plan activities which enable students to enjoy learning
and make outstanding progress.
- To ensure that staff have the information, training
and support which they need to deliver an outstanding curriculum, to help
students establish effective communication and develop confidence and autonomy
and to respond confidently to challenging behaviour, moving and handling needs
and medical needs.
- To support planning and staff deployment so that all
students, including those with severely challenging behaviour and those with
extreme medical needs, have access to appropriate learning activities within
the school and the wider community.
- To support staff to work in partnership with parents,
sharing clear information about the school curriculum and their children's
targets and progress and fully involving them in decisions relating to their
To support staff to use appropriate strategies
to help all pupils make as much progress as they are able.
Key Responsibilities:
- To work alongside the
Leadership team and in partnership with pupils, families, teachers, the Family
Support Team, careers advisors and social services.
- To support the Senior
Leadership Team to monitor the quality of teaching, learning and
- To lead an area of curriculum, assessment or teaching and learning across the whole school.
- To teach within a school
- To chair PCRs and other meetings in relation to
individual pupils.
Line Management Responsibilities:
- To take responsibility for
performance management for identified teachers and learning support staff.
Designated Lead for Safeguarding
- is a member of the wider SLT
- takes
lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection.
- has
sufficient time within their role to undertake the duties of the post and will
be supported to delegate key tasks (but not the final responsibility) to
deputies and to other appropriately trained colleagues.
- attends
external training annually with regular updates so that they are fully aware of
statutory requirements and ongoing developments.
- is
always available during school hours or makes sure that a member of the
safeguarding team is available, to discuss concerns and take appropriate action
- ensures
that referrals to social care are made swiftly and are backed up with accurate
and thorough information and followed up as necessary.
- monitors
all children and young people in need of support and the action being taken to
support them and their families, following up any concerns.
- works
with social care where children and young people have been identified for
support through the ‘Child in Need’ procedures, attending relevant meetings or
ensuring that an appropriate person does so, making sure that clear and
accurate reports are provided and that the school carries out any tasks
assigned through the child protection process.
- works
with social care where children and young people have been identified as
experiencing, or at risk of experiencing significant harm, attending relevant
meetings or ensuring that an appropriate person does so, making sure that clear
and accurate reports are provided and that the school carries out any tasks
assigned through the child protection process.
- works
with the local authorities via the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
- liaises
with the designated teacher for Children who are Looked After and the
Headteacher of the Virtual School.
- liaises
with the local authority social care teams and other agencies as necessary, in
line with the systems set out in ‘working together to safeguard children’.
- reports
to SLT and to the Executive Team at least termly so that they are able to
monitor the effectiveness of safeguarding and are aware in general terms of the
key issues.
General Responsibilities:
All employees
are expected to:
- Undertake
any training commensurate with the post.
- Show
a responsible attitude to health and safety issues and have due regard for
their personal safety and that of others.
- Support,
uphold and contribute to the development of the school's equal rights policies
and practices in respect of both employment issues and the delivery of services
to the community.
The Learning in Harmony Trust reserves the right
to vary or amend the duties and responsibilities of the post holder at any time.