Classroom Teacher at Lace Hill Academy


  Job Reference #
Catchpin Street, Lace Hill, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 7RR
  Contract Type
  Contract Term
Annually (Actual)MPS
  Closing Date
Midday, 21st Mar 2025
  Start Date
  Positions Available
   Positions Available        1
  Interview Date(s)
Monday 24th March 2025
   Interview Date(s)           Monday 24th March 2025

Cover Picture

About this Role

Please see attached job description for further information

Duties and responsibilities Teaching

  Plan and teach well-structured lessons to assigned classes, following the school’s plans, curriculum and schemes of work

  Deliver consistently good to outstanding teaching

  Assess, monitor, record and report on the learning needs, progress and achievements of assigned pupils, making accurate and productive use of assessment

  Adapt teaching and planning to respond to the strengths and needs of pupils

  To set high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and maintain a good standard of discipline through well focused teaching, fostering positive relationships and implementing the school’s behaviour policy.

  Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

  Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge.

  Participate in arrangements for preparing pupils for external tests

  To provide a positive, conducive and safe learning environment, encouraging high standards in punctuality, presentation of work and relationships.




Whole-school organisation, strategy and development

  Contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of the school’s policies, practices and procedures, so as to support the school’s values and vision

  Make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school

  Work with others on curriculum and pupil development to secure co-ordinated outcomes

  Provide cover, in the unforeseen circumstance that another teacher is unable to teach

  To use PPA time effectively to contribute to high standards in learning and teaching.

  To contribute to the formulation and implementation of the School Self Evaluation and School Development Plan and associated action plans, as appropriate.

  To contribute to the personal, social, health, citizenship and enterprise education of pupils according to school policy.

  To work as a member of a designated team and contribute positively to effective working relationships within the school.


Health, safety and behaviour

  Promote the safety and wellbeing of pupils

  Promote and maintain positive and engaged behaviour among pupils, managing behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment


Professional development

  Take part in the school’s appraisal procedures

  Take part in further training and development in order to improve own teaching

  Where appropriate, take part in the appraisal and professional development of others



        To ensure effective communication with parents and with persons or bodies outside the school who are concerned with the welfare of pupils, after consultation with appropriate staff.


Working with colleagues and other relevant professionals

  Collaborate and work with colleagues and other relevant professionals within and beyond the school

  Develop effective professional relationships with colleagues


Personal and professional conduct

  Uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school

  Have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school, and maintain high standards of attendance and punctuality

  Understand and act within the statutory frameworks setting out their professional duties and responsibilities

Management of staff and resources

In accordance with sections of the Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (2005) there is a requirement for all teachers to contribute to the development of the school curriculum, teaching methods and their review. 


               To take on the role of subject leader for at least one subject and more if required.

               To monitor and evaluate learning within the curriculum area(s) in line with the school’s monitoring cycle.  (This will include lesson observations, work sampling, planning, review etc).

               To ensure there are the resources necessary to deliver the curriculum area(s) and allocate accordingly, within an allocated budget.


The teacher will be required to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people, and follow school policies and the staff code of conduct.

Please note that this is illustrative of the general nature and level of responsibility of the role. It is not a comprehensive list of all tasks that the teacher will carry out. The postholder may be required to do other duties appropriate to the level of the role, as directed by the headteacher or line manager.

Related Documents

Contact Details

  Elida Barson
  01280 823747

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