Inclusion Leader: Blue Room at Cambourne Village College


  Job Reference #
Sheepfold Lane, Cambourne, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 6FR
  Contract Type
  Contract Term
NJC Scale 6 (range points 18 to 22) - £30,559 to £32,654 FTE. Actual salary £26,210.21 per annum.
  Closing Date
9:00am, 10th Jan 2025
  Positions Available
   Positions Available        1

Cover Picture

About this Role


We are seeking a talented, committed, and ambitious Inclusion Leader to join our highly committed team.


Our Centre and Inclusion Team supports students with a range of Special Educational Needs

and Disabilities and behavioural needs and implements a variety of different support methods and



This role will be to work collaboratively with other inclusion areas to enhance the learning and social success of pupils with a range of special educational needs, and with behaviours that adversely affect their learning - from the withdrawn to the challenging. This will include in-class support, working 1:1 and with small groups of pupils in an inclusion provision.

Cambourne Village College is an Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ rated, over-subscribed secondary school, eight miles from Cambridge. We opened as an academy of the Cam Academy Trust in September 2013. Our ethos is aspirational and inclusive, our staff is highly motivated, our pupils courteous and hard-working, and we have excellent facilities. A 350 place sixth form opened in September 2024, with 175 students in each of Years 12 and 13. Joining Cambourne Village College represents a unique opportunity to work in a newly-established school within a wider, high-quality Academy Trust that gives excellent possibilities for professional and career development.  

Full details are provided on the Job Description and Person Specification further in this pack.

Contact Details

  tanima paul

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