The Biology Department is a diverse and dynamic department that comprises seven teachers supported by two technicians. The department is housed in the Biology Schools – a fantastic new building that opened in September 2024. It includes seven light and spacious laboratories with separate teaching and practical areas. There is also a research laboratory, Harkness room, large prep room, staff room, shared lecture theatre, greenhouse and pond.
Biology is a major academic subject at Harrow. All boys study Biology in Year 9 and the majority continue with the subject to GCSE following the Edexcel IGCSE course. Approximately 50% of boys achieve grade 9 and 80% achieve grade 8 or 9 at GCSE. Biology A-level attracts 30-40 boys each year. They follow the OCR A course and the majority achieve an A* or A grade. Most go on to study
Biology-related courses including Medicine
at leading universities around the world. Great emphasis is placed on extending
boys’ interests in Biology beyond the syllabus. Boys are strongly encouraged to
enter national competitions like the Biology Challenge and Biology Olympiad and
to participate in events such as lectures, debates and dissections run by
departmental societies.
They can also take up elective courses on
topical areas of the subject taught by members of the department. In the Sixth
Form, boys undertake ecology projects on the School estate which includes a
farm and extensive areas of woodland. Boys with an interest in conservation can
assist in the management of these green spaces.
The successful applicant will have overall responsibility for the teaching and administration of Biology at Harrow, within and outside the timetable; teach at all levels throughout the School; lead the department in maintaining the highest academic standards and developing best practice in the teaching of Biology; lead and develop the super-curricular provision of the department, which includes Electives, lectures and all other academic extension; lead the department’s university preparation for boys applying for Biology and other similar courses; have oversight of the department’s work with the Admissions department; attend Chapel regularly and Speech Room (assembly) once a week; be a tutor in a boarding House, supporting the House Master in the pastoral care of a group of boys in that House; contribute to co-curricular activities, which are an important part of boarding school life and teach PSHEE to tutees.
The successful applicant for this role will demonstrate the following:
Strong subject knowledge; Enthusiasm for
the subject; High expectations of pupils; Strong inter-personal and
communication skills; A creative mind; Impressive academic qualifications,
including a good degree; Resonance with Harrow School’s ethos; and have an
understanding of a full-boarding environment.
Support and training to achieve Qualified Teacher Status can be offered if required. We occasionally appoint Masters with outstanding qualities and a good degree who do not have a formal teaching qualification
Christine Ryan
020 8872 8003
Harrow School would like all candidates to answer specific questions for the personal statement section. For reference, here are a preview of the questions/headings: